Monday, February 21, 2011

I'll always.

“IF eveR thEre is a tomorrow when we’re not togethEr, there is Something you musT always remember. You are braver than you beLieve, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart, I’ll always bE with you.”


  • There's been a war waging in my heart recently... It's kind of like I've become captive in this state of mind-- of constant negativity and bad feelings. And trying to draw my mind/heart back to old ways... but I won't give in... I've come too far for this to trip me up... and it just gets stronger. He doesn't want me to win, he wants to push me off stage... but guess what? God is there to catch me.... yet his evil still stares me dead in the eye... he hasn't succeeded, and he wants to.
    He wants to destroy any love in our hearts. He wants us to feel stupid, insignificant, worthless, not good enough.
    But my GOD tells me I am worthy of love, being pursued, and fought for. He sent his SON to die for me, for you, after-all.

    How incredible is that? HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE... I don't deserve it, but he wants me to accept it. He wants to win my heart; so what am I going to do? Give in to all the evil things being spoken into my heart? How long have I believed these lies... for far too long... far too long.

    You will not win this fight... you may have "won" some battles, but you will NOT WIN THIS WAR FOR MY HEART.

    my friend was praying for me... and was speaking truth into my heart... and peace came... and the thoughts of "honey" came to mind... and also Bethany Dillon's song, "The Kingdom."

    Proverbs 24:14
    Know also that wisdom is like honey for you: If you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

    Proverbs 16:24
    Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones.

    Psalm 19:10
    They are more precious than gold, than much pure gold; they are sweeter thanhoney, than honey from the honeycomb.

    "The Kingdom"

    It tapped me on the shoulder today when I got home
    I saw everything collecting dust
    It made me hope there was something more
    I pour over pages, desperate to find out why
    The cripple at your table has what I'm longing to find

    Teach me how to hum it
    Because I don't know the words yet

    Help me see the light
    I'm reaching through the fight
    Yahweh, show me the Kingdom
    Arms open wide
    Death swallowed up by life
    Yahweh, show me the Kingdom

    Why are some women barren
    While the wicked's house is full
    The stories never seem to end
    Give me evidence I'm not alone
    You said the weak would be lifted up
    But maybe just not yet
    So while I wait in this flesh and blood
    I'll learn to lean in

    Help me see the light
    I'm reaching through the fight
    Yahweh, show me the Kingdom
    Arms open wide
    Death swallowed up by life
    Yahweh, show me the Kingdom

    "Fall into his arms and trust him with your heart he loves you and has good things for you... you're doing a good job and he's proud of the ways you've said yes to him and no to sin. Don't get disappointed in yourself; he loves the process and the journey of winning your heart and maturing you... you're really going to be okay Lauren."

Sunday, 20 February 2011

  • To be near

    "you're gonna start to be exposed, right? you get vulnerable. so you don't wanna be shut down... in order for you to be in a place where you know what opening your life to someone looks like, it means making yourself vulnerable. it's not easy to do... here's the thing: strength and vulnerability are not mutually exclusive. they can coexist. there is tremendous strength in being vulnerable. having the conviction to just keep being real and keep being present, that's what strength looks like. in terms of dating or getting to know someone, it's opening your heart; letting them come in, and discovering some things about you. it's just about trusting yourself to let that come out, and let everyone who's experiencing you be inspired by that."

    That last bit just hit me... Wow.
    I love the sincerity of Bethany Dillon's music. "Be Near Me"
    I follow all the rules
    Well, at least I'm trying
    Hoping when my days are through
    You'll be pleased
    I've lived the longest days
    Thinking my heart was so bad
    Too scared to look in your face
    Oh, if only I had
    And is it alright If I stay here all night
    By the shoreline
    I cannot believe you are angry or unjust
    You've done nothing but have compassion on us
    So be near me when I've given up
    Be near me I'm just like everyone else
    We are all hiding
    Acting like I have a wealth Of knowledge and peace
    But all I've ever wanted
    And what men have given their lives for
    Is a God who understands my weaknesses
    A God that I can love
    I believe you are good and righteous
    You've given me your reckless love
    So be near, be near...

    ...I feel like whenever I feel love from God in a real & genuine way, something or some THING tries to destroy the one thing that I long for- in the truest form. I'm not one to say this, but I really do feel like I've been "attacked" spiritually lately, especially before I go to sleep.
    I have never been aware of it as such- & that's what makes the difference, I think. A flood of doubts surface in my heart- & by probability, it makes no sense for my worries. That's how I know what I've been dealing with tries to keep me in a head lock- it's just crazy, & I just want rest.

    And I just want to talk to you... I'm glad you do too... I feel like a flood gate is going to break wide open; and I don't know if I'm prepared for what is to come...

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

when silence is all you hear, or see.

When we think about it being silent, it tends to have a serious undertone-- and a lot of people cannot handle being quiet, or sitting in silence. I for one, relish in the tranquility that silence can bring;
But not in regards to seemingly unanswered prayers.

This past week has been a challenge for me to actually understand the meaning of silence. Strangely enough, it was exactly what was needed for me.
My heart tends to speak twice as much as it wants to listen. When I run out of things to "say" out loud, my mind begins to wander, my heart begins to flutter, and my emotions start running around in circles, constantly panting and breathing loudly as to drown out the silence all around me.

I think in turn, I was afraid of what God might want to tell me. No, I know that's what it was.
But he really turned my eye to the root problem; or well, at least the surrounding surface of that root. My eyes can only see as much as they want to. I didn't want to think into things, but yet, what did I do? I over-analyzed, worried, and stressed myself out.
And for what?
Philippians 4 tells us to not be anxious about anything, but just to PRAY and ask. Present those requests to the Lord. He will answer in his timing... and maybe we won't always like what he has to say.
I think the part in there that I never focused on was to show gentleness. Sometimes I get caught up in my feelings and thinking my own way, I completely forget that I'm not alone in this, there are others feelings involved; have I be gentle about it, or have I just been thinking about how it's made me feel?

Right now I'm sitting in complete "silence"-- but even with that, I hear the running of my laptop, the clicking taps of the keyboard, and background noise from the expressway--all the cars/trucks passing by in the far distance. It's funny how much you can actually HEAR when you sit in silence, isn't it?

Last night I had a dream that I was talking to Nathan. He was a brother of a friend who was killed in a car accident back in June 09. I have had another vivid dream with him in it a few months ago, actually. But this time, he was hanging out with me and one of my best guy friends whom he was also friends with. I'm not sure how their friendship was, but it sounded like it was shaky at some point. But regardless, Nathan told me to stay close to him, to comfort him, to be there for him. He told me he liked us together. He smiled at us. And then he left....
I woke up feeling a strange sensation, knowing I had another dream with him in it. I honestly don't know why I keep thinking of him; except for the fact that it literally broke my heart to hear of his death [even though I only saw him once]. I could not stop crying and praying for everyone. Nothing like this has ever hit me so much. And I still am unsure why, despite the obvious of course.

I was just watching the movie "Remember Me," and at the end... tears came. My heart stopped when I saw what was happening. I can place myself exactly on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. And the end of this story was not a happy one, of course.... but for a moment, I could feel the pain of those who lost loved ones in a different light. My heart started breaking... all over again.
And then I thought of Nathan.
Here was a boy I never knew, and yet it broke my heart.
And then knowing that he left behind loved ones, a precious girlfriend who fell in love with his heart and his vision and his passions...
I still look at her and want to ask, "how do you go on every day?" I honestly don't know how.
Maybe that sounds quite melodramatic.
But I think of where I am, and to quite possibly have that type of deep friendship, love, for someone I care about greatly-- to see that taken from me at such a young age...
My heart weeps. It breaks. I just cannot imagine. And that is what hurts my heart. I look at her and wonder how she deals with it every day. I look at his parents and wonder how they do it... and his brothers.
And this movie, Remember Me- just shoved that more into my face. These were people who lost loved ones, just like my friend lost his brother.... just like his parents... his friends... his girlfriend.
I'm not sure why, but I really feel compelled to visit where he was buried. Perhaps that sounds very strange, but there is an urgency on my heart... yet I still don't know why.

When you come to a close, all you hear is silence.
And it truly can be so deafening.

But you learn. You move on.

You still have to live your life.

"Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it. Because nobody else will. Like when someone comes into your life and half of you says you're nowhere near ready, but the other half says: make her yours forever." --Remember Me