I reminisced tonight with an old acquaintance-friend...
I would have to say he was probably the first "official" guy I went on a date with...
it was funny, because I never knew if he considered it one, until he told me tonight.
I always feel like I have this magnet for attracting really weird guys, and he said "well we went out on a date, and I don't think I'm a weirdo!"
Yeah, one of a few that weren't.
It's funny, I can't even remember any other really special "dates" that I've been on.
This date we had was on Valentine's day, back in 2004.
He walked into our dorm lounge, holding a vase of pretty white red flushed roses. We went with other friends to a hockey game, where the ice was a reddish pink. I don't even remember us talking much; but he said we did. He said he wasn't bored [like I thought], but just really nervous.
haha, funny how that one date was the best one I've ever had...
I hope some day that I get to experience that wonderful, exciting, thrilling enticement of beautifying yourself, and anticipating your date's arrival. He wants to be with you, and only you. He's so excited to see you and be with you and learn about you.
It's a beautiful thing.
I look forward to someone else doing the same... in a non-creepy way, or not having to tell me that he finds me beautiful within the first date, and how he wants to get to know me and date me-- that freaks me out. -And yes, this has happened to me again; some guy trying to persuade me that he's a good guy and that I'm exceptionally gorgeous and that we should hang out and that I would really like him...... uck. No thanks. Not interested in some guy pursuing me like a race horse. This isn't a race to win my heart... not in that way, anyway.
The guy I mentioned is married now, but I cherish that memory... and I think that is okay.
I love the thought of "slow-dancing" our way into something really special and precious. It's not something that should be rushed or hurried along. I don't want to be swept away in lustful wishes, but slowly getting to know someone and their heart and what they live for.
And I think that's just fine. You can't possibly fall for someone in a day...