Monday, April 28, 2008

Exploring Depressive Feelings: Part 3

Overcoming Depressive Thoughts & Feelings in Yourself
  1. Avoid as many causes of depressive feelings as you can.
  2. Develop a proper view of God & Self.
    1. Job 9:17-18 --Not an accurate view of God.
    2. Exodus 4:10-12
    3. James 4:133-17 --Incorrect view of ourselves.
    4. We start as a love of God-- he rejoices over us.
  3. Let go of depression as an identity marker.
    1. Some people have a natural tendency towards depression --it can become a part of your identity.
      1. "Fade into nothingness"
      2. I Corinthians 6:9-11
    2. God does not view you as a depressed person-- It must not be viewed that way.
  4. Psalm 42: 5, 11 & 43:5
    1. We can look to ourselves, circumstances, or God... If you look at the first two, you will focus on depressive thoughts.
    2. God is the same today as he always has been.
    3. Hebrews 12:2-3~ "Lose heart."
    4. Hebrews 12:5-6~ "Finding hope."
  5. Seek projects of substance and stick with them.
    1. Look what you have done & don't fall into routine that lacks substance.
  6. Spend time in the worshiping assembly (church) and with others who have the gift of encouragement.
    1. Psalm 43:3-4
  7. Patiently Endure.
    1. Psalm 40:1-3a
    2. When God is good and ready he will come fill us with song.
    3. When your in a battle, sometimes we have to endure and stand our ground and not give up faith-- Don't give ground when you are suffering-- That is the victory.
Helping Others Overcoming Depressive Thoughts & Feelings
  1. Two Examples:
    1. John 11:32-44
      1. Jesus was deeply moved.
      2. Jesus corrects a falsehood in Martha. "Do you believe your brother will rise?" Jesus can rise Lazarus. So Jesus corrects the false belief.
      3. As Jesus prayed, he helped people in their unbelief--> How to enter into someone's pain-- help them see God in the situation.
    2. I Kings 19:1-18
      1. Addresses Elijah's needs.
      2. God gives him an experience in his presence. God gives Elijah meaningful tasks. God poured into his life; Elijah speaks truth into others.
      3. God corrects his misunderstanding.
  2. Key Verses:
    1. 2 Corinthians 7:6-7
      1. God comforts the downcast.
      2. We have to help the discouraged.
    2. I Thessalonians 5:14b
      1. Help encourage.
      2. It is our job to be loving and caring, but it is not our responsibility to how it is carried out at the end of the day.
    3. Galatians 6
      1. You are not to blame-- Ultimately it is their (the depressed person's) responsibility.
  3. Love
    1. To communicate that they have value and worth...
    2. Sacrificial love~ When you give something up for another.
  4. Spirit
    1. Create an environment where the internal is lifted-- the Spirit rules.
    2. If you are creating an environment of rules & expectations, then depression will be there.
  5. Truth
    1. It is connected to lying (depression).
    2. Psalm 43:3~ Great combat is truth.
  6. Security
    1. Depressive people feel they are an inconvenience.
    2. As long as they are not committing sins, then you can provide security.
    3. Galatians 1:1 ~He is there because God placed him there--God put you in the position to help them feel security.
  7. Significance
    1. Show people the power of their position; that they have value and worth.
    2. You are the result of the choices that you make-- That communicates that you have power-- Which shows value.
  8. Hope
    1. Something to hope for.
      1. "It's not always going to be like this."
    2. It must not be false hope-- Hope deferred causes depression.
    3. There is a spiritual battle and we are caught in it-- At the end of the day, God is our hope.
    4. God is dependable.
    5. Things happen to mold and shape us to be more like Christ.
    6. Romans 15:13 --The God of hope can fill us with the Holy Spirit, which fills us with peace.

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