Wednesday, May 07, 2008

glow. :: .soul

Do you see my light shining?
Do you see a difference in me?
Do you see Jesus inside of me?

Is it real? Am I real?

I want so much of me to be glowing with radiance for His glory.
...but I fall so short of that.
I want to show others His love & compassion in every day life.
...but I fail to always show mercy.
I want to be everything and more for You.
...but don't even come close.

I just want to be worthy of love
I want to show you beauty that is inside
Sometimes I wish I were someone other than me
But you say "who you are is quite enough... you are worthy of love... you are beautiful."

desire is you. pursuing you. knowing you. stealing your heart.

I am not who I was. He has renewed me.
I will fall many times, but He is always there to pick me up.
He has redeemed me. "Here I am" I call out to you.

use me. for Your glory.

I don't know where that will lead me, but You know...

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