By The Wedding
see related
Life is really okay right now... and I'm glad.
Job hunting...
Thinking of finally volunteering at the hospital...
Just getting my butt into gear... I can't keep being this way.
...I realized I LOVE making CD mixes. I'm kind of obsessed. I'm so detailed... everything has to flow well... and it even has a certain message....
And this is why I am still up!
If you ever get a strong urge to say something to someone, do you actually do it?
-I feel like I need to say something to this girl who I am friends with-- like a very strong encouragement urge.
-I even made her a CD... because I feel like she needs to hear the message in the music.... I think she'll get it. - Encouragement is always warranted, even if for some reason you feel "out of line." You know why I think we feel this way?? It's "someone" trying to hold us back in fear for saying what someone needs to hear. I honestly believe that. We pass many opportunities to be an impact on people-- myself included.
- I don't want to be the fear-stricken girl anymore. I want to be the bold, daring, courageous woman I am supposed to be! No matter what.
You know what is crazy ironic on peacefulness and content? Is that when you fully and courageously give your whole heart to our Lover, break our alabaster box at his feet, is when everything aligns. It may not be exactly what we hoped for, expected, or wanted-- but it is what is best! I am always seeing it this way.
*I see past "loves" I thought were right for me, ABSOLUTELY wrong for me in so many ways.
*I see that time can heal all wounds.
*I see that with every opportunity I am given, I can bring about change.
*I see that I can express my feelings in the smallest things... like music.
*I know in my heart that God has something special for me.
*I realize that my time here is short, and I don't want to leave here with regrets.
-I don't want people to miss me in the sense of missing-- but be joyful that my heart is now completely full and fixed and loved more than I could ever imagine.
-That my Savior is more than enough for me.
-That Heaven is the true destination for us ALL.
--*Truly, this life is meaningless but meaningful in what we make it out to be.
It's funny what hindsight brings us. It's even more real when we see others going through the EXACT pain that we went through. And you know what it made me realize? Maybe I went through it to show another person that they can get through it-- to be an ENCOURAGEMENT to them. People are so much more stronger when they know someone else has walked in their footsteps...
[[Let God love it away.]]
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