Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I'm not sure what it is about hearing the rain tenderly tap against the window sill, but it sounded so refreshing and pure in the darkness of the night. I think that is one of my most favorite things-- hearing the rain at night. It comforts the darkness in a cool way.
I used to be terrified of storms. Perhaps the very unsuspecting ways in which I wasn't sure what was to come from them... but now? I relish storms. Sure, sometimes thunder and lightning frighten me [well, the getting struck by it is what does it, ha]; but hearing the rain come down feels like I'm being cleansed right down to my bone.
Fresh start.

I'm soaking in change more and more. I'm seeing myself coloring outside the lines and being OK with that notion. Being perfect is restricting in that sense.
no more boundaries.

just living.


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